Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mascarpone Ice Cream

Posted by Nuraini at 7:42 PM

Sorry it took me so long to update on this post. I've been busy with a debate competition lately. Atleast it's all over now! :)

So for this recipe, I rate it 7/10. Recipe's here.

Now allow me to describe the process of making this ice cream. As always, I didn't follow the instructions entirely. I cut down the amount of sugar by 20%, so when I cook the sugar and water, it didn't turn out syrupy although I've let it there in the pot for at least 15 minutes. So I just proceed with the still very liquidy sugar syrup. The rest is easy as you just need to put everything in and put the mixture into the fridge.

Since I don't have an ice cream maker, the whole churning process takes a longer time. After the first hour of refridgerating, I took the pot out and stir it with a wooden spoon. You're supposed to use an electric mixer to beat the mixture to ensure that your ice cream turns out soft and smooth. You have to repeat that atleast 4 times. So that'll take about 4 hours minimum. Once you've done with the churning process, store the mixture in airtight container and leave it in a freezer overnight.

My first attempt turned out quite good. Although the texture was kinda rough, as in you can feel the bits of sugar, but the taste was nice. Very creamy and vanilla. And to think I have more left in the fridge! Nurainicious~ :)


250g sugar
175 ml water
250g mascarpone
175ml milk
5 tbsp plain yogurt


1. Put the sugar and water in a heavy-based saucepan over medium heat. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Use a wet pastry brush to remove any sugar clinging to the sides of a pan.

2. Bring the syrup to the boil, skim off any foam and simmer briskly for 7-10 minutes until the bubbles look syrupy. Do not allow to colour. Immediately remove from the heat and pour into a bowl to cool.

3. When the syrup is completely cold, combine it with the remaining ingredients.

4. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and process according to the manufacturer's instructions - about 20 minutes.

5. Spoon into a freezer-proof container, cover the surface with cling film and freeze until solid.

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